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This domain 0393car.com is important for you!Dont hesitate to contact us. QQ/Wechat:731562 Tel:18314881437 Email:buydomain@xmkk.com
 一口价的域名交易(Buy Now 0393car.com) :只会在以下平台的一个页面显示 Contact us to tell you which one to choose
$、xmkk.com $、阿里云 Aliyun.com $、易名 eName.com 3、爱名 22.cn $、聚名 Juming.com

A price transaction is simple and convenient. After the purchase, the money is directly deducted and the domain name is obtained. This method is widely used in China.

 域名交易流程 0393car.com Domain Transaction process
1.阿里云登录: https://account.aliyun.com/login/login.htm
-.阿里云可以用 邮箱/会员号/8位ID 登录,或者用淘宝或支付宝账号登录。
-.阿里云的账号绑定 https://account.console.aliyun.com/#/bind
-.阿里云收到域名Push https://domain.console.aliyun.com/#/buyer/pushList

-. 易名接受带价push:https://www.ename.net/domainext/pushlist/1
-. 易名在线充值:https://www.ename.net/page/payment

-. 爱名接受带价push:https://i.22.cn/Domain/Push/Received


5. We are use the escrow.com to deal.
-. ename escrow

We have traded more than 4,000 domain names in 12 years and serve more than 3,000 customers. But as these years have been changing, and the pace of change is getting faster. From the original domain name transaction to face-to-face transactions, online transactions can only be completed in 10 minutes, more and more convenient and easier.

The principle of trading on all domain name trading platforms is the same. First register an account, add a domain name template, let the seller push the domain name to you, and you will pay money to platforum then accept it, Or you can buy now from the sale page. Then manage your domain name .

聚名平台上交易:注册账号http://www.xmkk.com/reg.htm,邮箱、密码、确认密码、电话、验证码。需要你进入邮箱里验证有效性。身份认证一下http://www.xmkk.com/user_renzheng.htm?zjlx=1,姓名,身份证号,手机拍身份证正面。然后添加一个域名模板http://www.xmkk.com/user_ym_mbadd.htm,联系人,邮箱,地址,电话。充值金额 http://www.xmkk.com/user_chong.htm,支付宝,微信,网银。接受域名,http://www.xmkk.com/user_Push_2.htm。交易交易完成。
Trading on the platform xmkk.com: Registered account http://www.xmkk.com/reg.htm, email邮箱, password密码, confirm password确认密码, phone, verification code. You need to enter the mailbox to verify the validity. Identity authentication http://www.xmkk.com/user_renzheng.htm?zjlx=1, name, Chinese ID, mobile phone ID card front. Then add a domain name template http://www.xmkk.com/user_ym_mbadd.htm, contact, email, address, phone. Recharge amount http://www.xmkk.com/user_chong.htm , Alipay, WeChat pay, China Bank pay. Accept the domain name, http://www.xmkk.com/user_Push_2.htm. Transaction complete.

域名转出聚名:通过 http://www.xmkk.com/user_ym_zc.htm 可以申请转移密码。域名注册时间不到60天需要等60天后可转出。
Domain name transfer: You can use http://www.xmkk.com/user_ym_zc.htm Apply for a transfer password. The domain name registration time is less than 60 days and it takes 60 days to transfer.
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